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Chapeau, Mr. Guillame.

As long as I can remember being alive, I can remember knowing about Robert Guillaume. I won’t lie and try to make it seem like I’m a mega fan, but I am fan.To me, Robert Guillaume is beloved for his role as Dean Winston in A Different World, and Dr. Frank Napier, Superintendent of Schools, in Lean on Me. I liked his role as the narrator for HBO’s Happily Ever After, too.

I can still hear Dean Winston telling Ron’s non-graduatin’ self, “The study of history is not just a black thaaaang.”

Lettin’ Joe Clark, portrayed by Morgan Freeman in Lean on Me, who the real HNIC is rings fresh for me, too.

Because of his talent, good looks, poise, and unique-sounding voice, he will be missed.

Want more information on Mr. Guillaume? Go here.


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